Phyllis Cohen
I began as an award-winning actress and singer, appearing on stages across Canada and in the United States. In my years teaching performance and vocal technique to private clients and graduate and undergraduate students in the Department of Theatre at York University in Toronto, I learned how to adapt to a wide range of abilities, personalities, and goals.
I’m a Certified Dialect Coach with the prestigious Knight Thompson Speechwork program, located in the University of California, Irvine [ ], and an Internationally Certified English Language Teacher (ICTEAL and OCELT), with a specialty in pronunciation and business language for foreign students.
An instructor at the Professional Actors Lab in Toronto, I teach the General American Accent Workshop. I also provide online private coaching and workshops in a variety of dialects and am a contributor to the International Dialects of English Archive.

". . . I really recommend Phyllis to anyone who wants to reduce the accent, improve intelligibility, minimize misunderstandings, and build self-confidence."